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Covid-19 Precautions

Dear Guests,

We are aware of the period that our world and country is in and closely following the warnings and remarks of World Health Organization (WHO) and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health in terms of protection from COVID-19.

We are taking necessary precautions to provide the sustainability of our hotels’ reliability and to support measures taken by the public with all our facilities.

As Delphin Hotels, we value the health of our guests and employees above everything. In this period we act by considering the health of our guests and employees, not with the fear of losing our profit.

Thus the precautions we take are as follows;

  • Body temperatures of our employees and guests are measured by trained personnel at hotel entrance with thermal camera and contactless thermometers.  
  • Reception desk, elevators, pool surroundings, beaches, resting and food courts in our hotel are arranged according to safe social distancing rule, and direction signs and marking procedures have been implemented.
  • Guest luggages and personal belongings are disinfected with suitable chemicals in luggage rooms and safely transferred to guest rooms.
  • Surfaces incurring continuous hand contact in our guest rooms; door handles, toilet and sinks, lighting buttons, telephone receivers, TV remotes, kettles and mini bars are disinfected after being cleaned with licensed chemicals.
  • Glass visor is made for open buffet in our restaurants and service will be made bby trained personnel.
  • Capacity writings are put up in our elevators and social distancing rule markings are designated with labels.
  • To decrease the risk of infection, disinfection procedures of surfaces such as tables, chairs, door handles, handrails, receivers, elevator buttons, air condition and light switches are increased as well as standard cleaning procedures implemented in our facilities.
  • Disinfectant units available in common rest rooms in our hotels are increased, and hand disinfectant unit is placed at the entrance of restaurant, common areas, pools and beach.
  • Regular ventilation and standard cleaning procedures of the areas where our employees and guests are present and disinfection procedures are also increased regularly.
  • Our employees have been trained by related training program about the measures required to be taken and the acts required to be carried out against the current epidemic and taken certificates accordingly and information posters have been put up in personnel areas to create awareness.
  • Common area cleanings are implemented by using chlorine based chemicals via machines.
  • Common areas and our rooms are disinfected daily with effective disinfectant and our Ultra Low Volume (ULV) devices.
  • Soaps used in our hotels have been changed with the ones having high disinfectant capacity. 
  • The close contact of the guests has been decreased by reducing the capacity of our restaurants.
  • Our restaurants have single use salt shaker, caster and napkin holders. Mixers are given in packages.
  • Our hotel’s air condition and ventilation systems are under control 24 hours and controlled by our personnel with professional competence by providing cleaning and disinfection in standard and frequency according to legislation.
  • Measurement and maintenance of our pools are implemented daily and chemical and microbiological water analysis are carried out by an accredited laboratory periodically. Analysis results and our measurements are shared with our guests via billboards available near our pools.
  • Usage areas and all toys used in our mini clubs are cleaned and disinfected after use meticulously and frequently. They are disinfected with extra ULV (Ultra Low Volume - Fine Spraying Technique) devices.
  • Sauna, steam room, bathhouse and fitness areas are used upon reservation to protect safe social distance. 
  • We care about the health of our esteemed guests and personnel, thus we provide 7/24 doctor, nurse, ambulance service in our hotel.
  • We follow all changes about COVID-19 and update the measures we take pursuant to these changes. You can visit address by following our updates and getting more detailed information our precautions.

Protecting the health of our guests and employees is the most important element to us.

As Delphin Hotels, we declare that we take all measures and precautions and improve ourselves continuously


  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing thoroughly.
  • Cover the mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing; use the inside of the elbow if no tissues are available.
  • Do not touch your eyes, mouth, or nose with your hands
  • Keep a social distance while staying at the hotel, use a mask if necessary.
  • Do not share any of your personal belongings, such as towels.
  • Stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and pay attention to your sleep patterns.
  • If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath, in case of doubt, inform the hotel immediately.
  • Avoid close contact, such as shaking hands and hugging.
  • During a pandemic, Delphin hotels do not guarantee that you will not be infected with the Covid-19 virus, but take all necessary precautions to prevent the infection of Covid-19. Social distance protects you from becoming infected with Covid-19. We wish you a healthy stay