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Cookie Policy

Protection of Personal Data

Web Site Visitors/ Cookie Clarification Text


Cömertoğlu Otelcilik ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Hereafter will be referred as ‘Delphinhotels’.”) is defined as data supervisor because it processes the personal data related to you as per Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“Law”). Data supervisors are obliged to inform the people whose personal data they process, about some matters in accordance with 10th article of the Law, titled “Clarification Obligation”. This text is prepared by Delphinhotels both for complying with the legislation and for being clear and accountable.


In accordance with Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698:

Personal data, means all kinds of data belonging to an identifies or identifiable real person;

Processing personal data, means all kinds of processing on data such as acquiring personal data completely or partially by automatic methods or partially automatic or unautomated methods provided that these are part of any data record system, recording, storing, keeping, changing, revising, explaining, forwarding, transferring them, providing access to them, classifying them or preventing their use;

Related person, means the real person whose data is processed;

Data supervisor, real or legal person who determines aims and means for data processing, and who is responsible for installation and management of data record system;

Clarification obligation means data obligation belonging to controller or anyone directed by him/her for giving information to related people during personal data collection about data supervisor’s identity, for which purpose the data will be processed, to whom or for which purpose the processed data could be forwarded, method and legal cause of personal data collection and other rights mentioned in 11th article of the Law.

Related person: You are defined as related person by the Law because we process some of your personal data by cookies and different definers as you visit our web site with the domain name [delphinhotel.com].

Data Supervisor: is the data supervisor [Delphinhotels] who determines the aims and means for personal data processing about the personal data related to you, and who is responsible for installation and management of data record system.


At the same time, we process your certain personal data by means of cookies in our site.

Cookies means the technologies such as advertisement identifications and web identifiers (hereafter all these technologies will be referred as “Cookies”).

What is Cookie?

Cookies are very tiny text files generally consisting of letters and digits which are recorded to your computer (or other devices such as smart phone or tablet pc) through browsers by the websites you visit. Cookies enable to identify the user and his/her device, and store some data regarding user’s choices and past transactions. Cookies are created by the servers administrating the website you visit. Thus, the server can comprehend when the visitor revisits the same site. Cookies can be likened to identity cards showing the website owners that the same visitor has revisited the site.

You can visit https://www.aboutcookies.org/ and https://www.allaboutcookies.org/ addresses for more detailed information about the cookies.

Acquiring Personal Data Through Cookies

You are presented a screen about your choices with regard to the cookies when you first visit our website. In accordance with the cookies, you bring into use on this screen, related cookies are stored into your browser/device. Each of the cookies generally include below elements:  

•           The server cookies are sent,

•           Lifetime of the cookie determined in advance,

•           A unique definitive value/number generally created randomly (the website sending the cookie, uses this value to identify you when you surf between pages).

The data is collected by completely automatic methods by means of cookies. Cookies can be classified in terms of their owners, lifetime and intended use:

•           Cookies according to their owner, first party cookies placed to your device by the website you visit, and third-party cookies presented by third parties are used. While first party cookies are presented by Delphinhotels, the third-party cookies are presented by other companies who provide services or is a business partner.

•           According to lifetime, session cookies and persistent cookies are used. While, session cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the website, persistent cookies are stored in visitors’ devices throughout the predetermined lifetime and are used for the purpose of remembering the visitor and his/her choices during next visit.

•           According to intended use, the cookies absolutely necessary in the website, analytical cookies and targeting/advertisement cookies are used.

Data Collected Through Cookies, Intended Uses and Legal Reasons

Through cookies, data regarding user transaction recordings, including the browser and operating system you use, IP address, user ID, date and time of your visit, access status, use of the features in the website, search expressions you enter, in which frequency you visit our website, language choices, the transactions you made on the pages, are collected and processed.

Cookies are used for the purpose of providing customized services and advertisements to the users in line with their choices and usage habits by enabling your visit to our website and your experience there to be completed in a stable way and ensuring that your data will be remembered during your next use, improving operation and content of the site, evaluating website uses statistically, presenting the content of the website in the most efficient way for you and your device. Cookies are split into various categories according to their intended uses and functions.

The cookies used in our website according to their categories and providers of related cookies, foreign countries that can transmit personal data by the cookies and intended uses and legal reasons for each specific cookie, are mentioned below:

1. Compulsory Cookies

These are the cookies which are necessary for the use and operability of the website. In case compulsory cookies are deactivated, it may not be possible to access any section or the entire website. The personal data processed by compulsory cookies are processed due to the fact that data processing is compulsory for establishment, use or protection of a right projected in Article 5/2 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data, for the purposes of providing products and services and carrying out the activities in accordance with the legislation.

The compulsory cookies used in our website, their providers and intended uses are as mentioned below:










ASP.Net_Sessionid is a cookie used to identify the user's session on the server. A session is an area on the server that can be used to store session state between HTTP requests.




2. Functional Cookies

Functional cookies enable carrying out the specific functions such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party features. Functional cookies are also used for the purpose of remembering users’ choices on the website. For example; they record user preferences such as language, currency preference, “remember me” preference used for not asking log-in information again when the user logs in through the same browser during user log in, and enables these to be remembered for the future visits. The personal data processed by functional cookies are processed by virtue of your express consent set forth in Article 5/1 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data for the purposes of remembering preferences and improving customer experience. Whereas foreign-sourced cookies are processed by virtue of your express consent set forth in Article 9/1 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data and shared with the cookie providers abroad.

The functional cookies used in our website, their providers and intended uses are as mentioned below:










Key to manage live chat visitor connection





Session cookie




120 Day

This cookie is the source of cookies that store the user's session ID.




120 Day

This cookie helps store the user's session ID.




30 Day

This cookie is the source of cookies that store the user's session ID.




120 Day

Request a shopping cart for anonymous users




1 Year

Collects statistical data about users' behavior on the website. Used by the website operator for internal analysis.





This is the Tawk user ID assigned to each user so the chat agent knows who to reply to.





This cookie is used to determine the connection duration of Tawk sessions.





It registers a unique ID to keep statistics about the videos the user watches on YouTube.




3. Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies gather information about how the users use the website. This type of cookies are the cookies used for the purpose of improving/enhancing customer experience. These cookies, collect data such as pages viewed by the users, number of clicking, page offset movements and times of entry in and exit from these pages. The personal data processed by analytical cookies are processed by virtue of your express consent set forth in Article 5/1 and Article 9/1 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data for the purposes of carrying out marketing analysis studies and creating and following up visitor records, and shared with the cookie providers abroad.

The analytical cookies used in our website, their providers and intended uses are as mentioned below:









2 Year

ID to identify users




1 Year

To store and count page views.




4. Marketing Cookies

These are the cookies used for presenting advertisements/campaigns according to interests of the users and measuring effectiveness of the marketing exercises. The personal data processed by marketing cookies are processed by virtue of your express consent set forth in Article 5/1 and Article 9/1 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data for the purposes of managing marketing process of products/services, carrying out marketing analysis activities and carrying out advertisement / campaign / promotion processes and shared with the cookie providers abroad.

The marketing cookies used in our website, their providers and intended uses are as mentioned below:









3 Month

It is used by Google AdSense to test advertising effectiveness on websites that use their services.




2 Year

This cookie is used to target, analyze and optimize advertising campaigns in DoubleClick/Google Marketing Suite




1 Day

It determines which products the user has viewed so that the website can promote relevant products.




179 Day

It attempts to estimate the bandwidth of users on sites with integrated YouTube videos. Also used for marketing purposes




As you visit our website, some of your personal data are also processed by other identifiers except for the cookies. You will get informed in detail below about your personal data processed while you browse through our website, purposes of processing the data and legal reasons. All the browse processes in our website are given under titles and you can directly get informed about the processes by reading below the related title in case you are involved in the mentioned processes.

Your Personal Data Processed According to Processes, Purposes and Legal Reasons of Processing

If you only visit our website and exit;

Your Personal Data Processed

Purpose of Processing

Legal Reasons







  • Your data of Process Security (IP number and ve IP Protocols, URL,

Duration of Staying at the page,

MAC Address,

Connection starting and ending time of connection, Transferred data amount)










For the purpose of Managing Information Security Processes, Carrying Out Storage and Archive Activities (keeping your Access logs)

Law on Protection of Personal Data Article 5/2(a): As per article of Being Clearly Set Forth in Laws





(as per article 5 of Law numbered 5651 on Regulation of Publications on the Internet And Suppression of Crimes Committed By Means of Such Publications, it is clearly set forth in the law that we shall acquire and store your personal data.)


Are processed by us.

To Whom and For Which Purposes the Mentioned Personal Data Can Be Transferred

In case your personal data is demanded within the scope of Article 28/1 of Law on Protection of Personal Data, they can be transferred to related authorities without any obligation of clarification and without requiring your express consent.

Apart from that, in unforeseen cases your personal data can be transferred to public institutions mentioned in the laws (administrative authorities such as Ministries) within the purposes and limitations set forth in the law in case they are demanded in cases clearly stated in the laws.

Apart from our legal responsibilities which do not require clarification obligations and your express consent; your personal data are not transferred within the country or abroad.

Methods of Acquiring Personal Data

Your personal data are acquired by automatic methods on the internet. 

Your Rights Related to Your Personal Data

The related people, first of all, have to transmit their rights related to their personal data to data supervisor.


In accordance with the Law, in relation to your personal data, you can exercise the rights of:


a) To learn whether personal data are processed or not,


b) If your personal data are processed, to request information about that,


c) To learn for which purposes your personal data were processed and whether these were used relevant to the purpose,


ç) To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred within the country and abroad,


d) In case your personal data were processed incompletely or incorrectly, to ask for correction of these,


e) To demand that your personal data shall be erased or eliminated if the reasons for processing them has disappeared,


f) To request that the transactions made as per articles (d) and (e) to be informed to the third parties to whom your personal data were transferred,


g) To object against any result arising against you by means of your processed data being exclusively analyzed by automatic systems,


ğ) To demand indemnification of the loss in case you suffer a loss due to the fact that your personal data were processed against law.


Application Method

The related people, first of all, have to apply to the data supervisor related to their processed personal data.

  • You can make your application:
  • • to Kemerağzı Mahallesi Yaşar Sobutay Bulvarı No:344 07112 Aksu/Antalya address in written form;
  • • with secure electronic signature or mobile signature to comertoglu@hs02.kep.tr kep (registered email) address;
  • • by sending an e-mail to crm@delphinhotel.com address using the same, recorded e-mail address if your e-mail address is recorded in our system.

It is obliged that your application include;

  • Your name, surname and your signature if the application is in written form,
  • Your Turkish Republic identity number for citizens of Turkish Republic, and if you are a foreign citizen, your nationality, passport number or your identity number if there is any, 
  • Your residential or business address, for notification,
  • Your e-mail address, phone and fax number subject to notification if there are any,
  • Subject of your demand,

and it is necessary to add the information and documents related to the matter, if there are any.

Delphinhotels, reserves the right to verify your identity.

You can reach the rules of procedure you need to follow during the application and more detailed information in "Notification to Data Supervisor About Application Procedures and Principles" of Law on Protection of Personal Data.



This document is translated, to the best of my knowledge, in conformity with its original.