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Call Center - GDPR

According to Law on the Protection of Personal Data number 6698 (”Law”), CÖMERTOĞLU OTELCİLİK VE TİCARET A.Ş. And LARES TURİZM İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT SAN.  VE TİC. (Hereinafter called “Delphin Hotel ”)  has been identified as data controller due to processing personal information about you. According to Article 10 of Law with the title of “Liability of Clarification”, data controllers are liable to notify real persons whose personal information they process about some subjects.

This text has been issued by Delphin Hotel to be able to comply with the legislation and to be transparent and accountable.

Respective Person: You, who visit our facilities and whose personal information we process through a security camera, is identified as a respective person.

Data Controller: [Delphinhotel] is a data controller which determines the purposes and tools of personal data processing about personal data related to you and responsible for the establishment and  management  of data recording system

Your Processed Personal Data, Purpose and Legal Reasons for Processing

Your Processed Personal Data

Purpose of Processing

Legal Reasons


  • Identity (Name, Surname),


  • Visual and Audio Recordings (Voice Recording) data



For the Purpose of Conducting Customer Relations Management Processes (Obtaining and Keeping Your Call Center Call Recording Information)

KVKK Art. 5/2(f): Provided that fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person is not damaged, according to the paragraph stating data processing is obligatory for data controller’s legal interests


(As the data controller, we have a legitimate interest in recording conversations in order to measure the quality of our service.)

Conducting Customer Relations Management Processes.

To Whom and For What Purpose The Processed Personal Data Can Be Conveyed

Your personal data can be transmitted to related authorities without getting your explicit approval and without the liability of clarification if they are requested within the frame of Article 28/1 of KVKK (LPPD-Law on Protection of Personal Data).

Other than that, in the events that are not foreseen, your personal data may be conveyed to governmental bodies (administrative authorities such as Ministries) if they are requested in cases referred explicitly in the laws within the purpose and limitations stated in the law.

Your personal data can be conveyed to supplier call canter company with a data center located in the country pursuant to your express consent within the frame of conditions stated in Art. 8 except the cases where we have a legal responsibility not requiring your express consent and without liability of clarification

Methods of Obtaining Personal Data

Your personal data is collected by automated methods through your call to our call center.

If you make a reservation through our Call Center and give your consent for your reservation information to be sent to your GSM line during the call center call;

Your Processed Personal Data

Purpose of Processing

Legal Reasons

  • Your communication (GSM number) data



For the Purpose of Execution / Supervision of Business Activities (Sending Your Reservation Information to Our Valuable Guest as SMS)



KVKK Art. 5/1: According to your clear consent




(We process your GSM number in order to send messages to your GSM number based on your explicit consent that you have been informed during the call center call and that you have declared with your free will.)

Processed by us.

 Your Rights About Your Personal Data

Respective persons must convey their rights on their personal data to the data controller. According to Article 14 of the Law, no direct complaint can be submitted to the Personal Data Protection Board.

According to law, you can use your rights about your personal data:

a)To learn whether your personal data is processed,
b) To request information about your personal data if they are processed,
c) To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether your personal data is used according to this purpose,
ç) To know about third parties to which your personal data is transmitted in domestic or abroad,
d) If personal data is processed incompletely or erroneously, to request them to be corrected,
e)To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event of the reasons for them requiring to be processed are eliminated,
f)To request the transactions implemented according to clauses (d) and (e)  to be notified to third parties to whom your personal data is transmitted,
g)To object to a result against you occurring by analyzing through automatic systems exclusive to the processed data, and
ğ) If you incur damages due to your personal data being illegally processed, you have the right to demand an indemnification.

You can make your application to: Method of Application

  • For our facilities: Kemerağzı Mahallesi Yaşar Sobutay Bulvarı No:344 07112 Aksu/Antalya address, in written;
  • For Cömertoğlu Turizm Otelcilik A.Ş.(All our facilities except Delphin Be Grand Hotel), to comertoğlu@hs02.kep.tr address, for Lares Turizm İnşaat Taahüt San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.(For our Delphin Be Grand Hotel facility) to laress@hs02.kep.tr address, with a secure electronic signature or mobile signature;
  • You can make an application by sending an e-mail to crm@delphinhotel.com e-mail address for all our facilities if your e-mail address is registered in our system.

In your application, you must add;

  • Your name, surname and, if the application is in written, your signature,
  • Your R.T. Identification number for citizens of the Republic of Turkey, and if you are a foreigner, you must add your nationality, your passport number and, if available, your identification number,
  • Your workplace or residence address as the basis for notification,
  • Your electronic mail address, telephone and fax number, if available, as the basis for notification,
  • The subject of your claim,

And also you need to attach information and documents, if available, related to the subject.

Delphin Hotel reserves its right to verify your identity.

You can access procedural rules and more detailed information from "Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Tebliğ” (Communique on Rules and Procedures of Application to Data Controller) link of Personal Data Protection Board.