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Hier gelangen Sie zu den aktuellen ISO-Dokumenten aller unserer Hotels (9001.14001,45001,10002)

As Delphin family, it is one of the important issues to inform our respective parties in terms of our activities and their impacts in a transparent and efficient manner.
Accordingly, the sustainability reports we publish in annual periods is a significant instrument. With this sustainability report of us, we are aiming to provide our economical, environmental, and social performance to our employees, our customers, our associates, and our other stakeholders.
Nachhaltigen Tourismus
Quality, Food Safety, Environment, Customer Satisfaction, Health and Safety Policy
DELPHIN AS A FAMILY; consciousness of being well-established in tourism and as a guest to accept responsibility for all the customers with, blending national and international value, quality customer happiness, environment, bringing food safety and occupational health and safety requirements to fulfil them, aims to provide services.